...to the Alexander Dane Fanlisting! Alexander is a character from the movie Galaxy Quest. Portrayed by Alan Rickman, Alex is an actor who gets type cast as an alien, Dr. Lazarus, on an 80's TV show called Galaxy Quest. Alex and the rest of the 'crew' get stuck attending Galaxy Quest conventions and the like just to pay the bills. When a seemingly usual gig is offerered to them by real aliens who think that the show is a bunch of 'historical documents', they actually wind up in space. There, everything they had been pretending becomes real, and they have to help save the Thermians from the evil Serris.

Member Count: 8


January 26
¤1 new member!
Welcome Gina!

January 14
Woah, I can't believe its been this long since last time I updated. I just wasn't getting any submissions. I added another button though. :P

December 24
¤1 new member.
Welcome, Amanda!
Sorry everyone for the lack of buttons, I've been busy with christmas shopping and baking cookies and such :) I'll be adding a lot more after Christmas.

December 21
¤1 new member.
Welcome, Sarah!

December 18
¤3 new members.
Welcome, Eric, Lauren. and Viktoria!

December 17
¤1 new member.
Welcome, Anna!

December 16
¤1 new member.
Welcome, Mirabella!

December 15
¤Site opens .


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